Thursday, 18 September 2008

Welcome back to school!

Now I will tell you about my trip around Asturias (in Spain), but I didn’t travel alone. I travelled with my girlfriend, her mother and her mother’s boyfriend. We saw a little part of Asturias, the north and the coast. The first day we went to Avilés (We had to find the hotel). The next day, we went to Cangas de Onís and we saw Covadonga. We stayed in the town to have favada (typical food in Asturias) for lunch.

Two days later, we went to visit Gijón, and we visited Ribadesella, Santander and San Vicente de la Barquera, too. On the way to Alzira, we visited Toro, a famous town, because my girlfriend had a friend who lives there.

Two days later we went to Alzira to prepare the new year of the high school.

Ivan Lloret Castaño



This summer I haven't been abroad. I stayed here in Alzira. Some days I went to my grandmother’s villa and we spent the day there. Other days I went to Algemesi to see a friend and we spent the evening together. I also went out with my friends Laura, Irene, Mar, Nayara and Desi. I think that I had a great time this summer, but I believe that a summer trip is a good plan, so that you can visit beautiful places.

Patricia Roselló



Last summer I travelled to Paris. I visited the city for fifteen days. The first day we went to see the Notre-Damme Cathedral. We ate in a good restaurant and we saw the football players of the Olympique Lyonnais. I also took a lot of photos of the players.

The second day we went to see the Eiffel Tower and took a lot of photos,too. The next days we visited other districts of the city.

The last days we packed our suitcase to return home and start to work. Definitely, it was a very exciting trip.

Santiago Sanchez Llobregat