Monday, 26 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

Find activities about Halloween:

- Play a game.
- Listen to a song.
- Read and listen to a story.

Happy Halloween!



October 31st is Halloween. Where does Halloween come from? The Celts lived in Britain, Ireland and parts of France over 2,000 years ago, and October 31st was the end of their year. The Celts believed that ghosts came back to earth on this day. Today many people around the world celebrate this old festival - but today people usually have parties, dress up, and tell spooky stories about witches, skeletons, bats and ghosts. Have some Halloween fun!
Thanks to British Council.

Click here to find more activities about Halloween.

Halloween sing along ( karaoke)

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

The sounds of English.

Click here to learn how to sound English.

These are the symbols for the sounds of English. Clicking on a symbol will take you to another page where you can watch a video about that particular sound.

The sounds are organised into the following different groups:
Click here.