Sunday, 31 May 2015

5th June: World Environment Day!

People all over the world can do something positive to help our planet. There are lots of problems facing our planet today! There are lots of things you can do to look after our environment. Find out about what you can do to be greener. Here you are some ideas we have been talking about in class.

Don't forget: Use things again. Write on both sides of the paper, for example. Have showers. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. Don't use lots of water. Don't leave the tap on while you brush your teeth. Switch lights off. Turn off the monitor on your computer. Don't leave the lights on. Don't leave your computer on all night. Don't leave your computer on standby mode. Don't switch on too many electrical appliances at a time. Walk to school. Throw the rubbish in the correct recycling bin. Don't drop litter. Don't throw rubbish on the floor. Recycle glass, paper and plastic. Don't waste paper. Write on both sides of the paper. Plant a tree.

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